The NRCHAA is excited to reintroduce and promote the sport of reined cow horse in Australia.
The association aims to encourage all levels of ability and give reining, cutting, camp drafting horses and riders an opportunity to develop further skills and establish a tradition of versatile horses and horsemen and women.
We plan to hold snaffle bit, hackamore and bridle events in the future to showcase the tradition and ability of the reined cow horse and to provide inspiration to potential members.
Reined cow horse activities involve a dynamic and challenging equestrian discipline that showcases the versatility, agility, and responsiveness of a well-trained horse. This sport combines elements of cutting, reining, and cow work, requiring both horse and rider to demonstrate a high level of skill, precision, and communication.
Reined cow horse activities are an equestrian sport that originated from traditional ranch work, where a horse's ability to handle cattle was essential. Today, it has evolved into a competitive discipline that emphasizes the partnership between horse and rider in three main phases: cutting, reining, and cow work.
1. Cutting:
In the cutting phase, the horse and rider must isolate a single cow from a herd and prevent it from returning to the group. The horse showcases its natural ability to anticipate the cow's movements and work independently, while the rider demonstrates strategic control and precision.
2. Reining:
The reining phase is characterized by a set pattern of intricate maneuvers, including spins, circles, stops, and lead changes. This phase evaluates the horse's responsiveness to the rider's cues, athleticism, and overall control during a series of precise movements performed at various speeds.
3. Cow Work:
In the cow work phase, the horse and rider demonstrate their ability to control a cow with finesse and skill. The horse must guide the cow through specific maneuvers, such as turns and circles, displaying its agility and responsiveness. The rider's ability to strategically position the horse to control the cow's movements is crucial.
Judging Criteria:
Reined cow horse activities are judged based on the horse's performance in each phase, with an emphasis on responsiveness, athleticism, and the overall partnership between horse and rider. Judges evaluate the execution of specific maneuvers, quality of movement, and the effectiveness of communication between the pair.
Competitors typically use specialized reining saddles and equipment, including bits designed for subtle communication with the horse. The rider's attire is traditional, reflecting the sport's roots in ranch work.
Reined cow horse activities not only celebrate the rich heritage of horsemanship but also highlight the incredible teamwork between horse and rider, making it a thrilling and engaging discipline for participants and spectators alike.